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Our Technology

Fungal Factories™

Almost all ecological spaces are occupied by microorganisms including many species of fungi. They are well-known for producing natural products that have potent bioactivities. Synthetic biology is an amalgamation of different disciplines that repurposes microbial life to perform functions that the user dictates. Bontia Bio utilizes the patented Fungal Factories™ platform that enables has enabled us to access hundreds of natural products to date using highly specialized laboratory fungal strains.

Submerged fermentation

These strains convert basic nutrition building blocks into highly desirable anti-parasite products which is then harvested and produced into a cutting-edge formulation for your pet. With these methods, we can produce our desired compounds using a fermentation process that is not dissimilar to existing beer, wine, or medicinal manufacturing processes!

Pioneer flea & tick treatment for companion animals

Existing flea and tick products for companion animals, whilst effective, have been dominated by products containing synthetic compounds. We believe that nature can provide a safer and more environmentally conscious alternative.

Our solution was to resurrect a well-investigated but difficult to synthesize fungal anti-parasitic compound that has no observed level of mammalian toxicity. This compound was first identified from a symbiotic fungus of the plant Bontia daphnoides, hence our name Bontia Bio. The genes required to make these compounds were engineered into our laboratory strains, providing the basis for our manufacturing process.

Our next steps to bring products to market are to scale-up production and begin registration with regulatory authorities.